Representatives of the Institute of Bioengineering did several workshops during the international competition Robotex. Many multitalanted young minds and their [...]
Institute of Bioengineering together with the Tallinn University of Technology organized a 2-day course on Bioethics for university employees and [...]
In November, the kick-off meeting of the International Erasmus Mundus double degree master’s program International Master in Innovative Medicine (IMIM) [...]
Vice Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Co-Coordinator of DigiBio project Ilona Faustova, Director of Estonian Biofoundry Vallo Varik visited Danish Technical University (DTU), [...]
Representatives of Estonian universities and Estonian Research Council met with representatives of Japan to discuss research cooperation in the field of Bioengineering [...]
Ilona Faustova represented DIGIBIO teaming project on the 2nd European Teaming Conference, hosted by InnoRenew CoE. Conference brought together representatives [...]
The kick-off meeting of the Estonian Bioindustry and Bioengineering Association was established. The Management Board members are Mart Loog, Ilona [...]
Associate Professor of Molecular Biology Ilona Faustova received the award for Outstanding Teaching Staff of the Institute of Technology 2022/23. [...]